Feelings first. Manifestation second.
We hear Abraham say to us over and over, that the only reason we ever want anything is because we want how that thing or circumstance will make us feel. We want to have a sustained generation of a feeling. It’s not really the thing that we want at all. We want the feeling and if we could focus on that above all else, then we’d be led to a glorious string of circumstances and situations that would give us the feeling we want in a steady stream of abundance.
For example, you might really want a particular person in your life to do certain things that would indicate to you that they deeply love you. You associate a group of actions with being loving and these would allow you to feel loved. The shortcut is to focus on having what you really want, which is to feel deeply loved. If you could focus on feeling loved, not by this person, but in a more general way, the love would flow in for you. It might come from the person you’re wanting it from, or something way better. Any feeling you want to have you can generate for yourself and by yourself. Or if that feels too much right now, you can call into you the feeling you want to have and let the universe bring you circumstances and people that will help you generate this feeling.
Take me as an example. I’ve been fantasizing about living in Ireland for awhile now. I can sense within myself some desperation around that energy, which tells me that I need to tune into what feelings I’m wanting to experience that I associate with living in Ireland (instead of Italy). The main feeling I associate with living in Ireland is one of ease. I can justify intellectually why I would feel ease - the lack of language barrier would create so much ease and the familiarity of culture would too.
But I start to trap myself if I begin to think “The only way I can have feeling X is if I get circumstance Y.” I’m making it very hard on the universe to deliver what I want because I’m offering a dense vibration of neediness and the manifestation has to try and trudge its way through the mud of that vibration. Instead I want to focus on a lighter energetic approach. I want to tune into ease, feeling it as much as I can throughout my day, believing everything can feel like ease for me, and then the universe can flow to me an infinite supply of situations that feel so easy and pleasant to me.
And of course in the last two days I’ve had exactly this sort of experience! Small things that would usually seem like a big effort for me living in Italy - talking to an electrician, organising a group event at a bar, finding what I want at a shop, organising some financial logistics - all of these can tend to feel overwhelming to me, as a direct result of my expectation or belief. But in the last two days I’ve focused on generating ease and so these things have been effortless, as though these were always easy for me.
I’ve chosen ease for myself, and so now I’m calling it in from the universe. Will it mean that I end up in Ireland? Maybe. Will it mean I live a life full of the feeling of ease? Definitely. And that’s the way it always works.
Are you aware of which feelings you’re really chasing after? I’ve just launched my first 40-Day Manifestation Journal which will help tune into what it is you really want. This might be the first step in moving you forward on your own manifestation journey.