Why action is key to reality creation

I’ve been listening a lot to Jason Breshears from Archaix. He is quite a controversial figure and he has some astonishing things to share, including that we live inside a simulation. But all that is for another day.

What fascinates me most about all the thousands of hours of content he has, is that he talks about, in his own unique way, what he calls the Law of Reflection. He argues that the Law of Attraction isn’t the full picture to creating our own reality inside this 3D world or simulation, because an essential part is missing: action.

Whatever we want to call it, if you believe that you create your own reality, then in a way you already believe that this is a type of simulation, where you are the 3D avatar, but your spiritual self is the one creating the experience and 3D world you live in. So let’s start with that idea.

The system we’re ‘plugged’ into can understand our emotions as these emit a vibration and since everything is energy, the reading we give out are our feelings. So far this is in agreement with all other teachers who have told us that our emotions are essential to reality creation. We need to literally generate the feelings associated with the reality that we want to experience.

Next comes our thoughts. We use our thoughts to help us generate our feelings. But Archaix says that the ‘system’ cannot read our minds. Thoughts translated into energetic feelings can be read. But thoughts themselves cannot be read. So thinking thoughts do not alone create our reality. But also, thoughts + emotions do not create our reality either.

So what do they create?

Thoughts create the blueprint of what we want to create. A building has a blueprint with all the details. But it is only in 2D. Even if it is drawn in 3D on a piece of paper, it still only exists in 2D. Thoughts are like that. The more vivid and detailed, the better the blueprint.

The emotions are necessary to start creating the momentum towards making the blueprint a reality. They are the energetic foundation of what you wish to build and create. If you want to attract it to you, or as Archaix would say, have it reflected back to you in the field, then you need to create the energetic signature that will allow your creation to be a match, be attracted to you and come into your life.

With both of these what you have done is laid the energetic foundation. Or what Archaix calls the Informed Field.

The Informed Field is your slice of the vast field of probabilities. Quantum physics tells us that at all times we live in a field of probability where all things are possible. Right now, as you read this, it is entirely possible that an elephant can walk right by you. Is it probable? Well that’s up to you since you’re the one collapsing the field of field of probability into an event in each and every moment.

Let’s say you’re hovering above the immense field of what is possible. If you were to zoom in on an area of probable events that you prefer, then this is where you would be creating your piece of Informed Field. But selecting what you want from the field isn’t enough. Just like if you were sitting at a restaurant and you decide what you want, unless you tell the waitstaff, it’s unlikely what you want will arrive at your table.

This is where action comes in. You must take an action, however small, to collapse the Informed Field and create an event. In probability, when something occurs out of all the possibilities, it is called an event. You must trigger that event.

Archaix tells us that the ‘system’ gives us events over and over that match the actions we input into the system. Dr Joe Dispenza tells us the same thing. Archaix tells us to ‘Break Pattern’. Dr Joe Dispenza tells us to “Break the pattern of being yourself”.

It’s the same thing. If you keep doing what you’ve already done, you signal the same events. You need to take a small action to collapse the blueprint you’ve created into a very real 3D reality.

Ideally, if you’re trying to manifest something very specific, then you want to take an action that matches this new reality. If you’re after something more general, like a greater feeling of abundance, then you will take a related action that collapses the informed field into an event that creates abundance.

If you would like help in putting all this together, consider working with me.


You create the blueprint and allow the Universe to do the rest


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